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Prescription Request
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Run out of medications between appointments? No problem! As long as you’ve had an appointment within the last 6 months, you can request medications outside your consultations here if needed.

How does it work?

After you’ve made your request, you’ll get a notification via VetRx when you script has been processed and created. Scripts are posted directly to you, and can take up to 7 days to arrive. For more information please check the medications hand out.

Request Medications

Keep all your pet’s scripts in one place through VetRx

We know that pet owners want to use pharmacies to source their animal’s medicines, however we also know the difficulty that comes with getting the prescription from the vet and to the pharmacist.

A pharmacist has a legal requirement to receive an original prescription before dispensing, and when this does not occur, more work is created for all parties in trying to rectify the situation.

VetRx is 100% free for pet owners to use, and it solves many of the issues relating to veterinary prescriptions including:

  • You pick up your script at your appointment, and take it to either a pet or human pharmacy depending on the medication.

  • You always have access to a digital copy of your script.

  • You get a notification when a new scripts has been made for your pet.

  • Prescriptions are managed in one place with zero risk of getting lost.

  • Reminders are emailed to you before the script reaches its expiry date.

  • If and when E Scripts become possible for Vets, the system is ready to go

  • Easier reporting for pet insurance claims.

You can find a walk through of how to sign up to VetRx in the Medication Guide below.